Friday, January 13, 2012

Have a goal - 2012

Dear Readers,

It's great to start new year with happy moments.. I am sure most you achieved all the goals you set for 2011 & you have your plan for 2012. If not, its never too late. You can start planing for 2012. Don't let this year pass by without achieving any thing.

Always my mentor says without goal we can't achieve anything in life. I am sure that's true when we don't know where to go... we will stay at the same place.

You are the best at achieving your goals... you may want to be best at your work and achieve some special position or design some thing new. You might want to achieve your financial goals or savings goal. 

You might want to achieve higher education. I am going to give you some tips which might help.

First identify what you want to achieve in different areas of life & write them down.

Once you put your annual goals on a paper, split them into quarterly.... monthly.... and weekly goals. Clearly write down what you need to do on a daily basis.. Initially it might not be easy to adopt the change.... so start with small steps. 

Show your goal sheet to your loved ones and promise them that you are going to achieve your goals for this year. Once we promise to loved ones we will put our heart at achieving our goals.

Now take 2 copies of your goal sheet & paste on a mirror or any location where you see every day & other one in your pocket. Read it daily twice when you wake-up, before going to bed. This will help you to focus on your goal.

Do weekly progress reviews to know where are you...?.

I used this to achieve my goals in 2011. I am sure this works. If you think this is going to help some one you know share with them.

All the best with you Goals.